The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd
"I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine." John 10:14

Friday, December 27, 2013

The Lamb and The Shepherd

Symbols are such an essential part to the scriptures.

We find them all over the place, whether it's Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants... they are everywhere! And it's really interesting to make the connections in our lives.

This is one of my most favorite things to do while I am reading the scriptures: making connections, and seeing all the cool intricate ways that the Lord works in our lives! It's really quite amazing when you put the pieces together.

On Christmas Eve morning, as I was studying the Christmas story, there was one symbol that I was drawn to. That symbol was the Lamb.

I looked up the word "sheep" in the Bible Dictionary (crazy enough, it didn't have the word "lamb"), and I thought that the last part of the definition was really interesting:

"Shepherds still, as of old, go before the sheep, and the sheep FOLLOW, being apparently more or less attached to their masters, whose voice they instantly recognize."

My mind started going and I tried to write down some words that came to my mind when I think of the word "Lamb" and this was what I came up with:

*meek                       *follower                    *recognizes its master              *pure (white)         *obedient

And so, my mind began to wander and I had the thought... "Christ is known as the Lamb of God."

Why is that? Jesus Christ is known as the Lamb of God? From looking at the definition of sheep, I started to make some connections:

*He OBEYED the Father
*He KNEW and RECOGNIZED his Father
*He is PURE

As I wrote these thoughts down, my mind began to wander again... "Wait... Christ is also known as The Good Shepherd..."
What is the role of a shepherd?

*The Shepherd GOES BEFORE his sheep
*The Shepherd PROTECTS his sheep
*The Shepherd TENDS TO and TAKES CARE of his sheep
*The Shepherd LOVES his sheep

It's kind of ironic... He is known BOTH as the lamb AND the shepherd. Why is that?
As I thought of these things, the thought came to my mind:

By first being a FOLLOWER of God, Christ was able to become the LEADER for us.

In John 10:14, the Saviour said, "I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine."
How can we become "lambs" (or, in other words, followers) of The Good Shepherd?
Same as a lamb follows his shepherd:

* Recognize his voice (diligently studying and pondering his doctrine, and knowing it.)
*Follow his voice (obey his commandments)
*Go where he wants you to go (follow his promptings)
*Understand that he is the leader (be meek and humble)

I know that as we continue to do the things that the Lord would have us do, and to endure patiently when times become hard, we can feel his influence in our lives. It's not always easy. (Touch Finish) But it is always worth it. Though we may not understand it now, we WILL understand all things later.

Trust that the Shepherd knows all. :)

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