The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd
"I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine." John 10:14

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Grain of a Mustard Seed

Today, for anyone that reads this, you get the privilege of seeing my journal! Consider yourself lucky...This post will be a little different than the last few.
I had an AWESOME SHA-BAM study!

So. Faith. That's a word that we hear A LOT.
"I have faith in you!"
"Have faith, all things are possible!"
"Oh, you have so little faith in me!"

But. What does faith means? Certainly it's more than just "BELIEVE." Believing is... well, thinking something is true.
There are SO many examples of people from the scriptures, that are described as people with exceeding faith.

                         Old Testament                 New Testament                           Book of Mormon
                         Daniel                              Peter                                             Nephi  
                         Joseph                              Paul                                             Sons of Mosiah
                         Abraham                          John the Baptist                         Brother of Jared

And the list goes on and on and on...............................

I was curious, what does faith really mean?? What is it about these people (and hundreds more) that made them so faithful?? And how can I be like that, too?

Well, lucky for me, the Bible dictionary is my new best friend! And this is what I learned... (Yes, this is written exactly how I have it in my study journal!)

Faith all-include:
*Having CONFIDENCE in something or someone
*MUST be centered on CHRIST to produce salvation
*Developed through LIVING the Gospel and LIVING righteously

*Action or power that leads to the desire to change
*Through faith, can retain a remission of your sins, and makes it possible to stand before the PRESENCE OF GOD.

1. Knowing you are living righteously
2. Being ACCEPTABLE and RECEPTABLE to the blessings of the Lord
3. Knowing that personal salvation is possible because of the Savior's Atonement 

These 3 things are obtainable by:
*Studying the Gospel
*Strengthening your testimony each day at a time
*Seeking guidance from our Heavenly Father
*Personal revelation
*Being guided by the spirit

So, from my study, this is what I gathered...
Faith, in my opinion, is the STRONG BELIEF that something is true, even though you can't see it. Faith is the CONFIDENCE that even though you don't know what the journey will hold, the outcome will be worth it. Faith is standing for something you know is right, you know is true, and regardless of what others will say about it, you will proclaim it, because you know it's your duty. Faith is something you LIVE, not something you just DO. And above all, it's that Faith, that Confidence, that Understanding, that the Savior did all that he did, that will give us the hope and the ability to stand before him again someday... Even just the faith as small as a mustard seed, can give us the ability to do anything...

2nd Corinthians 5:7
"(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)" (I love that smiley face that is added at that. Gives it more emphasis!)

James 2:26
"For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith, without works, is dead also."

Enos 1:8
"... Go to, thy faith hath made thee whole."

Alma 32:21
"... Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things..."

Faith is a pretty powerful tool, don't you think?

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