The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd
"I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine." John 10:14

Friday, December 27, 2013

The Lamb and The Shepherd

Symbols are such an essential part to the scriptures.

We find them all over the place, whether it's Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants... they are everywhere! And it's really interesting to make the connections in our lives.

This is one of my most favorite things to do while I am reading the scriptures: making connections, and seeing all the cool intricate ways that the Lord works in our lives! It's really quite amazing when you put the pieces together.

On Christmas Eve morning, as I was studying the Christmas story, there was one symbol that I was drawn to. That symbol was the Lamb.

I looked up the word "sheep" in the Bible Dictionary (crazy enough, it didn't have the word "lamb"), and I thought that the last part of the definition was really interesting:

"Shepherds still, as of old, go before the sheep, and the sheep FOLLOW, being apparently more or less attached to their masters, whose voice they instantly recognize."

My mind started going and I tried to write down some words that came to my mind when I think of the word "Lamb" and this was what I came up with:

*meek                       *follower                    *recognizes its master              *pure (white)         *obedient

And so, my mind began to wander and I had the thought... "Christ is known as the Lamb of God."

Why is that? Jesus Christ is known as the Lamb of God? From looking at the definition of sheep, I started to make some connections:

*He OBEYED the Father
*He KNEW and RECOGNIZED his Father
*He is PURE

As I wrote these thoughts down, my mind began to wander again... "Wait... Christ is also known as The Good Shepherd..."
What is the role of a shepherd?

*The Shepherd GOES BEFORE his sheep
*The Shepherd PROTECTS his sheep
*The Shepherd TENDS TO and TAKES CARE of his sheep
*The Shepherd LOVES his sheep

It's kind of ironic... He is known BOTH as the lamb AND the shepherd. Why is that?
As I thought of these things, the thought came to my mind:

By first being a FOLLOWER of God, Christ was able to become the LEADER for us.

In John 10:14, the Saviour said, "I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine."
How can we become "lambs" (or, in other words, followers) of The Good Shepherd?
Same as a lamb follows his shepherd:

* Recognize his voice (diligently studying and pondering his doctrine, and knowing it.)
*Follow his voice (obey his commandments)
*Go where he wants you to go (follow his promptings)
*Understand that he is the leader (be meek and humble)

I know that as we continue to do the things that the Lord would have us do, and to endure patiently when times become hard, we can feel his influence in our lives. It's not always easy. (Touch Finish) But it is always worth it. Though we may not understand it now, we WILL understand all things later.

Trust that the Shepherd knows all. :)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Shepherds Abiding

So... MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! Yes, I know, Christmas Day was indeed yesterday, but for me, Christmas goes on all of December! What a wonderful time to remember the Savior, and all that he has done for us!

I haven't been able to write for the past few days, since the library was closed... But I want to share just another more Christmas thought that I learned from personal study a few days ago. 

My second favorite people that were able to witness the baby Jesus (next to Joseph) are the shepherds. There are so many questions that go through my mind when I read about them. Questions such as, what made the shepherd so special that they were able to witness the Savior? Or, what must have been going through their minds as they knelt down before the Greatest King who would ever walk the earth? 

So, we all know the story... 
There were shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their sheep at night, and the angel came unto them and said, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be unto all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord..."

Now, here's my favorite part.... Luke 2:15-18: 

"And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us NOW go, even unto Bethlehem, and SEE this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. 
And they came with HASTE, and found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger. 
And when they had seen it, they MADE IT KNOWN ABROAD the saying which was told them concerning this child. 
And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds."

As I read that, I wrote down some things that I noticed and admired about the shepherds:
1. That night, the shepherds weren't just chilling around, not doing anything. They were working, taking care of their sheep. Or, in other words, they were doing their job. And when the angel of the Lord came unto them, they had a choice to make: either stay and fulfill their jobs, which is a GOOD choice, or to see the Savior, which is the BEST choice. 
That can apply to us as well! Do we make sure we choose the better choices over the good choices? Do we justify our actions, or do we really focus on the things which are important?

2. As soon as they learned about the Savior, they LEFT WITH HASTE
Think about that. The shepherds left their job, their worldly cares, to see the Savior. 
How often do we put the Savior first above other priorities? When we are given the opportunity to feel his spirit, do we? Do we procrastinate the time set apart for him, or do we make him our priority?

3. After the Shepherds saw the miracle, they went and shared their knowledge! And everyone who heard it, marveled, meaning, that the spirit touched their hearts. 
When we have the opportunity, do we share our testimony whenever we can? Or do we hide it? Our knowledge that we have is precious, and everyone needs to chance to hear it. 

At the end of it all, the shepherds returned, "Glorifying and praising the God for all the things that they had heard and seen..." 

From the example of the shepherds, I learned something about Testimonies. A testimony may be small, but it is precious.     
A testimony BEGINS when we put the Lord first.
A testimony is TESTED as we seek the BEST choices above the GOOD choices.
A testimony is STRENGTHENED when we share it with others. 
Through this, a testimony will become KNOWLEDGE. 

I'm grateful for my testimony that I have of the Savior and his Gospel. I know that he came, and that he lives. He is the Most Important Thing that will ever happen on this Earth. 
I know it! 
And I love it!

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Guardian

Joseph is amazing. I've always respected him.

I try to imagine what his story is truly like, and how his role pertains to the Christmas Story. We know that he was a humble carpenter, the husband of Mary. We know that he was with Mary through it all. We know that he helped raised the Savior.
But, I've always wanted to know HIS story. What was it like, being the Guardian of the Savior? What was it like, being the father figure for the Savior, the PERFECT example, when, knowing full well, that he himself, was not perfect?

Really, what would it be like?

I was reading about him, for my "Week before Christmas Study", in Matthew 1. There were a lot of characteristics that I found about Joseph. In Matthew 1:18-21 and 24-25:

"Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.
Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily.
But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear no to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."


Ok, lets think about this for a second...
There's Joseph and Mary, who love each other very much, are planning on getting married. Imagine Joseph's surprise when Mary comes to him one day and says, "Joseph, I'm having a baby... But I promise, it's not what you think..."
I mean, what would be going through Joseph's mind?? Really? Well, we see from verse 19, that he was going to break off the engagement, privately so as not to embarrass Mary.

That's the first thing I noticed about Joseph. How much he really loved Mary, and really, how hurt he must have been, before he understood what was happening. He, being a just man, was probably heartbroken, and probably thinks, that they couldn't get married anymore. I'm sure he did not want to. I imagine it was extremely hard for him.

But then, as it says, the angel tells him (MODERN DAY TRANSLATION), "Joseph, really, it's not what you think. Your wife will have this baby, and He will be the Son of God, and shall save the world from darkness. And you, Joseph, will raise the child as your own, and be a guardian and protector for Him."  

And then, as we continue in 24-25:

"Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:
And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS."

The second thing I noticed about him: He instantly did what he was told, and no longer doubted, but had EXCEEDING FAITH to do what he was called to do. Once he understood his calling, he ACCEPTED the responsibility to raise the Son of God.

Now, this is Sister Parrish doctrine right now, but I imagine that during Mary's pregnancy, Joseph and Mary had so many spiritual experiences, that brought them closer together in ways that they would not have otherwise had, and made them love each other so much more. 

Of course, we all the story. When the time came, they traveled to Bethlehem. I'm sure the journey was extremely difficult for a woman who was in her third trimester of her pregnancy, while Joseph, the Guardian, led her there... on a donkey.
I can imagine Joseph's panic, when they finally arrive in Bethlehem, they can't find ONE SINGLE INN where they can stay.
I wonder how he felt, when they had no other choice, but to stay in a stable. A barn. It probably wasn't that clean or sanitary.
I can imagine Joseph being so worried about the love of his life, wondering how they were going to get through this. Maybe he even shed a tear or two.
I'm sure he had to be so strong and have so much faith on that night.
And I imagine, that when he was finally able to hold the Christ child, what joy filled his soul. I'm sure that he felt like a new father, holding his first baby, and although Christ was not HIS child, I'm sure he felt that HUGE sense of responsibility on his shoulders. I'm sure that he thought back to when the angel talked to him, and told him, that he would help raise the Lamb of God. I'm sure he thought about who was in his arms: The Savior. His Savior.

What an amazing example of pure charity and love. :)

I cannot wait to meet the Guardian someday.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Mother of the Child

One person whom I've always admired was Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. I'm always amazed by her story. And today, as I was studying in Luke, I was once again amazed at the faithfulness of this woman.

When I reflect and read about the Christmas story, I always find something new. And today, as I was reading about Mary, I found a few things that I thought was very special and neat.

I love reading in Luke 1, where we read about the Angel who appeared to Mary, and informed her that she is "highly favored" of the Lord. And then, when he tells her that she will have a child, the Son of God. 

I don't know about you, but if I was told that I was going to raise the Son of God, I really don't think I'd have the confidence or the belief that I could do it! Can you imagine, Mary, as young as she was... What must have been going through her head?? And considering her circumstances, I could imagine her thinking, "How is this even possible?? I'm not even married yet!" 

But, I love Mary's response in verse 38: 

"Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word." 

Can you BELIEVE that faith? She is so accepting of it! 
And really, how SPECIAL she was, to be so favored of the Lord, and so trustworthy, to be given the responsibility of raising the Son of God... 
There was also one other thing that I've never noticed before that I absolutely loved! After Mary finds out the news, she goes to visit her cousin, Elizabeth, who is also having a baby (John the Baptist). And as they are talking, we find Mary's testimony (46-55) (I'll share some of my favorite parts):

"My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed... He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy." 

Wow... Her testimony in the Lord is SO RIDICULOUSLY STRONG. To me, I see a woman, who loves her Heavenly Father so much, that she is willing to do ANYTHING to do her best, to be a handmaiden of the Lord. I see someone who trusts Him so much, that she is more able to trust herself, believing that she can do whatever the Lord asks of her, with her help. 
I cannot even imagine the feelings she must have felt during that whole time, from the time she was visited by the angel, to the moment when she holds the child in her arms. There is a verse in Luke 2:19:

"But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart."

I'm sure that the experiences that she had were much to precious and special to share with the world. What a wonderful example of humility and faith. 

I am personally grateful for the faith of Mary, and for not backing out. She is someone that I cannot wait to meet one day. Her faith and testimony, her trust in the Lord, is one that I find to be so extremely special. 
She truly was an elect woman of God. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Grain of a Mustard Seed

Today, for anyone that reads this, you get the privilege of seeing my journal! Consider yourself lucky...This post will be a little different than the last few.
I had an AWESOME SHA-BAM study!

So. Faith. That's a word that we hear A LOT.
"I have faith in you!"
"Have faith, all things are possible!"
"Oh, you have so little faith in me!"

But. What does faith means? Certainly it's more than just "BELIEVE." Believing is... well, thinking something is true.
There are SO many examples of people from the scriptures, that are described as people with exceeding faith.

                         Old Testament                 New Testament                           Book of Mormon
                         Daniel                              Peter                                             Nephi  
                         Joseph                              Paul                                             Sons of Mosiah
                         Abraham                          John the Baptist                         Brother of Jared

And the list goes on and on and on...............................

I was curious, what does faith really mean?? What is it about these people (and hundreds more) that made them so faithful?? And how can I be like that, too?

Well, lucky for me, the Bible dictionary is my new best friend! And this is what I learned... (Yes, this is written exactly how I have it in my study journal!)

Faith all-include:
*Having CONFIDENCE in something or someone
*MUST be centered on CHRIST to produce salvation
*Developed through LIVING the Gospel and LIVING righteously

*Action or power that leads to the desire to change
*Through faith, can retain a remission of your sins, and makes it possible to stand before the PRESENCE OF GOD.

1. Knowing you are living righteously
2. Being ACCEPTABLE and RECEPTABLE to the blessings of the Lord
3. Knowing that personal salvation is possible because of the Savior's Atonement 

These 3 things are obtainable by:
*Studying the Gospel
*Strengthening your testimony each day at a time
*Seeking guidance from our Heavenly Father
*Personal revelation
*Being guided by the spirit

So, from my study, this is what I gathered...
Faith, in my opinion, is the STRONG BELIEF that something is true, even though you can't see it. Faith is the CONFIDENCE that even though you don't know what the journey will hold, the outcome will be worth it. Faith is standing for something you know is right, you know is true, and regardless of what others will say about it, you will proclaim it, because you know it's your duty. Faith is something you LIVE, not something you just DO. And above all, it's that Faith, that Confidence, that Understanding, that the Savior did all that he did, that will give us the hope and the ability to stand before him again someday... Even just the faith as small as a mustard seed, can give us the ability to do anything...

2nd Corinthians 5:7
"(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)" (I love that smiley face that is added at that. Gives it more emphasis!)

James 2:26
"For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith, without works, is dead also."

Enos 1:8
"... Go to, thy faith hath made thee whole."

Alma 32:21
"... Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things..."

Faith is a pretty powerful tool, don't you think?

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Be Prepared

Once upon a time, I was a little girl. (Forever ago, and hard to believe, but yes.) And when I was a little girl, I had to take piano lessons.
OH... how I HATED piano lessons... Practicing, practicing, practicing... It was super frustrating. I would want to do other things, but my parents said...
                                            "NOT UNTIL YOU PRACTICE THE PIANO."

I remember specifically telling them, "Piano is worthless! I will NEVER use it in my life!!" I wanted to quit SO bad!! Honestly truly. And I would have. But they refused to let me. No matter how hard I tried. No matter how hard I begged. No matter how hard I rebelled.
Do you know what they would say to me?

                                                       "YOU'LL THANK US ONE DAY."

The nerve! I thought they were crazy. "That will be the day..." I would think to myself...
I've played a lot on my mission. I've played for people who needed a last minute pianist. I like to write music. It's my stress reliever. I've played in church. I've played for fun. Piano is worth EVERYTHING to me now.
It's a gift that I treasure.

We all have gifts. And each gift that we have is a gift from our Father in Heaven. And He EXPECTS us to develop them!
This morning, as I was reading the Book of Mormon, I ran across a story that reminded me of my experience learning the piano.  Again, it is still in Mosiah! (I love Mosiah... :) )

In this story, there is a King. His name is Benjamin. He has 3 sons, but I want to focus on Mosiah, I'm guessing he's the oldest son. In Mosiah 1:2-3 (I'm cutting it a little, because I want to show you the cool part.)
"...And he (meaning King Benjamin) caused that they (meaning his sons) should be taught the language of his fathers, that thereby they might become men of understanding...
And he also taught them concerning the records which were engraven on the plates of brass (meaning the scriptures) saying: My sons, I would that ye should remember that were it not for these plate, which contain these records and these commandments, we must have suffered in ignorance, even at this present time, not knowing the mysteries of God."

Think about this for a second... Can you imagine young Mosiah, with his father. I can imagine it...

King Benjamin: Son, it's time for you to do language study.
Young Mosiah: AWWWW DAD!! Not again! I'm TIRED of studying!!! Can I quit??
King Benjamin: Nope! You'll thank me one day...

FAST-FORWARD! (I'm going to try and condense this story as best as I can... Please forgive me!)
Many years later! Young Mosiah is now King Mosiah. He is a righteous king. A smart king! A wise king! And he has the gift of interpretation of languages. (Most likely from PRACTICING all growing up.) And one day, King Mosiah sends some of his best servants to find a specific land.

Long story short (too late...) his servants go out, and they find this land. Not only do they find this land, but they find that there is a group of people there, that are actually their descendants. And not only THAT, but they have MORE RECORDS (scriptures) that they had found... But they cannot understand the language! The servant told this people, that their king knew how to translate and can understand different languages. The group of people were overjoyed, and this is what they said (Mosiah 8:19):

"...Doubtless a great mystery is contained within these plates, and these interpreters were doubtless prepared for the purpose of unfolding all such mysteries to the children of men."

MODERN DAY TRANSLATION: "YES!!! Someone who can translate! And thank goodness he has been prepared to use his gift! It is NO COINCIDENCE!"
And so, it goes on the explain that King Mosiah was able to read the records, and understand them, and translate them. And thus, we have the story of the Brother of Jared in the book of Ether in the Book of Mormon. (Also a fantastic story! READ!)

SO! SHA-BAM! What did I learn from this??
-Heavenly Father has given us ALL gifts that we are expected to use and develop to benefit OTHERS. Not ourselves. And as we use our gifts, we will be able to bear one another burdens, and help each other.

Think on this:
Then it could be possible, that we wouldn't know the story of the Brother of Jared.
Or, even if the Lord had chosen someone else, Mosiah wouldn't have had the opportunity to use his gift.

We all have gifts. And we ALL need to develop them. Everyone has DIFFERENT gifts. Some people have the gift of entertaining. Some have the gift of listening. Some have the gift of compassion and charity. Some have the gift of patience. And there are COUNTLESS others.

So, here's your challenge. Write down some of the gifts you have. Write them down, and think of how you can use them, to benefit someone who is in need today. Be that opportunity to help Heavenly Father. Be dependable. Be that person that can say, "I'm ready. I'm prepared. What do you need me to do?"

Because, I can guarantee you, someone needs you skill.

And, just like I did to my parents, you will thank Heavenly Father for the gifts that He has given you one day.

Mosiah 8:18
"Thus God had provided a means that man, through faith, might work mighty miracles; therefore he becometh a great benefit to his fellow beings."


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The M.I.T.

Once upon a time, when I was just a baby missionary in the MTC, I learned something that changed my life. During a devotional, Elder Corbridge, a member of the Quorum of the Seventy came and spoke to us. He talked about A LOT of things, but he kept saying this phrase:

                                                                    THE M.I.T.

For the longest time, he wouldn't say what M.I.T. meant. It was starting to drive me bonkers. About halfway through his talk, he finally said:

                                                    THE MOST IMPORTANT THING

He began to explain that as missionaries, we needed to teach about the MOST IMPORTANT THING, or the M.I.T. He talked about how if we fail to teach the M.I.T. then we will return from our missions in vain. Elder Corbridge also explained how if our investigators want a lasting conversion, they MUST remember the M.I.T. I remember being super excited, and thinking that he was going to tell us, but alas, my hope was vain, for another half hour or so. He still didn't say what it was....
I remember the anticipation that I felt when he finally said, "Ok. I think I've talked enough about the M.I.T. And I'm sure you are all just dying to know what the M.I.T. is..." I felt like I had just join a club or something, or was about to learn the world's greatest secret.


                                                                THE M.I.T.

                                           THE MOST IMPORTANT THING

                                       THE ATONEMENT OF JESUS CHRIST

And that was the secret.

Why would he emphasize that? Because the M.I.T. is the reason that we have everything! Without the Atonement of Christ, we wouldn't have a hope. Without the Atonement of Christ, we wouldn't have faith to go on, or really, a reason or purpose to go on. Without the Atonement of Christ, we would remain in a fallen, imperfect state, unable to ever return again to our Father in Heaven.
In the Book of Mormon, as I was reading a little while ago, I came across a scripture that really touched my heart about the M.I.T. In Mosiah 3:7-10

7."And lo, he shall suffer temptations, and pain of body, and hunger, thirst, and fatigue, even more than man can suffer, except it be unto death; for behold, blood cometh from every pore, so great shall be his anguish for the wickedness and the abominations of his people.
8.And he shall be called Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father if heaven and earth, the Creator of all things from the beginning; and his mother shall be called Mary.
9.And lo...even after all this they shall consider him a man, and say that he hath a devil, and shall scourge him, and shall crucify him.
10.And he shall rise the third day from the dead; and behold, he standeth to judge the world; and behold, all these things are done that a righteous judgment might come upon the children of men."

... That's really A LOT to take in! To summarize: The Atonement (M.I.T.) involves 3 parts:
1. Christ's suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane. It is here that he atoned for EVERY SIN and EVERY SUFFERING and EVERY WEAKNESS for mankind. It is here that it is possible for the Savior to help us, in our time of need, when we feel absolutely weak and low, and he can lift us up again. And not only that, but it is also because of this, that we can repent when we sinned, because it is here, that Christ makes us clean again. (Refer to vs. 7)
2. Christ dying on the cross. Christ had to die, so that his spirit could leave his mortal body, until it would be time for his body and spirit to be reunited. (Refer to vs 9)
3. Christ in his Resurrected form. On the 3rd day after his death, Christ's now perfected body and spirit were reunited, making it possible for him to overcome death. This gives us the power that one day, after we have died, our body will become perfect, free of pain and suffering, and our spirit will be reunited, giving us the opportunity to return to our Father in Heaven.

THAT is our purpose as missionaries. To make sure that everyone has the opportunity to learn about the MOST IMPORTANT THING: That Christ loves them so much, that he performed THE ATONEMENT, THE M.I.T. And because he did that, there is hope. Because he did that, there is a purpose, and a goal, one that is possible for every person who ever has, or ever will live on Earth.
And as we submit to the Lord, and as we humble ourselves, and do all that we can do, we will be able to obtain that goal. We WILL fall short. That's just inevitable. We are not perfect. And that is why the Savior performed the Atonement. So that, even when we fall, whether or not we mean to, we can change. We can try harder to be a little better everyday.

I cannot express the gratitude I have for my Savior and all that he has done for me, and most particularly, for performing the Atonement for me. And that is why I am here. To share what I've come to feel and know is true for myself.

May I end with some words of one of my favorite hymns:

"Oh it is wonderful that he should care for me enough to die for me. Oh it is wonderful to me."

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Those Days

Something that I always like to say... "Life is unfigureoutable."

Life is crazy! It has it's ups and downs and all arounds. It has its fun and its not so fun. And sometimes, the down days... HIT HARD.
You all know what days I'm talking about. Those days where it's just too much work to roll out of bed in the morning. Those days where just lifting something takes up all of your effort. Those days where you feel like you're dragging your feet just to get to the next place. You know, THOSE DAYS.
And those days happen a lot more than we would like. Right? It's hard. Just plain hard.

There once was this guy. His name was Nephi. He had a lot of those "Those Days." His dad was a prophet, and the Lord told him to take his family and leave Jerusalem so that they wouldn't be killed by people that didn't like them. They lived in the wilderness for lots and lots of years. Then, Nephi is told to build a ship, to take his family to the Promise Land (otherwise known as the Americas). His older brothers really did not like him. In fact, they hated him, because Nephi was so righteous and good and had the spirit with him. Nephi kind of had it not so great.

Yet, when you read his story in the Book of Mormon, he hardly ever complains. He always keeps his head up high, and his trust in the Lord. And the Lord always strengthened him through all of his "Those Days."

Then, there was one particular day, where Nephi is just tired. It took too much work to roll of of bed that morning. I imagined he was probably dragging his feet that day. His trials were just becoming too hard. His father had passed away, and his brothers were angry at him for who knows what! Really, he was just having, what I like to refer to as, A Really Bad Day.
This is what he says about his feelings in The Book of Mormon, 2nd Nephi chapter 4:17-19:

"Nevertheless, notwithstanding the great goodness of the Lord, in showing me his great and marvelous works, my heart exclaimeth: O wretched man that I am! Yea, my heart sorroweth because of my flesh; my soul grieveth me because of mine inquities. ... And when I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of my sins..." PAUSE!!!

MODERN DAY TRANSLATION: I am TIRED of all the trials and hard times. I'm brokenhearted! I'm exhausted! I just want to be happy... But I can't, because of everything that's happening..."

Sound familiar to anyone? If not, it certainly does to me. Hard times are hard! And exhausting! And not to mention, just plain hurtful. BUT! As Nephi continues... (still verse 19 and going into 20, same chapter...)

"...Nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted. My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep." (Referring to the many years he lived in the wilderness with his family and also as they sailed the seas to reach the Americas.)

...What I love about this, is that even though he's having a really hard day, he instantly remembers his blessings. He instantly remembers what the Lord has done for him up until that point, and he remembers that the Lord will continue to bless him.

That's definitely hard to do sometimes, but I know that as we remember to count our blessings, and remember all that the Lord has done for us, "Those Days" will begin to become "Better Days." And sometimes, they can even become "Best Days."

Nephi ends by saying:

"O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm."

MODERN DAY TRANSLATION: "Heavenly Father has helped me this far, and he WILL help me in time to come. I just gotta keep going. And stop thinking that I can fix things, because I can't fix everything."

This has become one of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon while I've been here on my mission. When I have one of "Those Days," when I'm using all my effort to roll out of bed, or using all my energy to shuffle my feet... I think of Nephi and his Bad Day, and how he was able to handle it, because he knew that everything is in the Lord's hands. And just like the Lord helped Nephi, he will help us. In fact, whether we realize it or not, or believe it or not, he is already helping us!

Challenge for you today: Count your many blessings. Name them one by one. :)