The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd
"I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine." John 10:14

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Whole Motion Picture...

Scripture chases are seriously theeeeee BEST!!!!

I was reading in Alma 5 today, and didn't get too far, because I was hopping from scripture to scripture!

Alma 5:9 (part of it...)
"... Yea, they were loosed, and their souls did expand and they did sing redeeming love. And I say unto you that they are saved."
I looked in the footnote for this, and it led me to Psalms 147:5:
"Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is INFINITE." (Emphasis added)

Which led me BACK to Alma 5:12-13...
"And according to his faith, there was a mighty change of heart. Behold I say unto you that this is all true.
And behold, he preached the word unto your fathers, and a mighty change was also wrought in their hearts, and they humbled themselves and put their trust in the true and living God. And behold, they were faithful until the end; therefore they were saved." (Again, emphasis added.)

Heavenly Father's understanding in INFINITE, which means ETERNAL, ALL-KNOWING. Not only is his general understanding eternal and infinite, but also, his understanding of each of his children (that means you!) is infinite and eternal! (That's a LOT of kids...)
His perspective of us is a lot clearer, because he not only sees us as we are NOW, but as what we can BECOME!

It's like if you were to go to a movie that you've just heard about and never seen previews for. Would you trust the opinion of someone who has only seen the sneak peeks? Or would you trust the opinion of someone who has seen the entire motion picture??

In life, we experience the SNEAK PEEKS. We think we know everything, because we use what we've seen. But, you see, Heavenly Father has touch-finished everything! He has seen the MOTION PICTURE. He knows the beginning to the end. He knows what is best. And so, everything that happens in our lives will strengthen us, and create us. And most particularly, the hard things are TRUE BUSINESS going to create you. The hard times, not only strengthen us, but they reveal us.

Therefore! He asks us to TRUST him, and HUMBLE ourselves, and to allow him to MOLD us, to become something FAR GREATER than we can even IMAGINE.

Alma 5:1-14
Psalms 147:1-7
Study :)


  1. Jensen- These insights are beautiful. I'm so glad you have this knowledge to help you during this tragic time. You are an amazing lady - so much of both your mom and dad!

  2. I heard something at Saturday's women's conference that added to this. I had to go back and listen again because I wasn't sure it I heard it correctly the first time. It has stuck with me for a different reason (if we were with Heavenly Father in heaven, and only perfect things can be in his presence then......) Anyway, Henry B Eyring said " That is part of your divine heritage from him. You were tutored by him before you came into this life. He helped you understand and accept that you would have trials, tests, and opportunities perfectly chosen just for you." to me this means that he was there in the pre-production stages. In choosing who would need to have each experience to reach towards perfection in life. He was there and knows all of those things we don't remember. He not only wants us to trust him, we agreed to do it. We agreed to cling, if necessary to those things that he taught us. To me that means he knows my personality, what motivates and irks me. Where I strengthened myself in pre-earth life and where I could use some experience. He even knows who my friends were, who I connected with and who can help me out when I need it. I have a piece of paper on my seminary wall that says "seminary does not create character, Seminary reveals character". I believe that is true about life on earth. Earth reveals who we strove to be in the pre-mortal world. By trusting in Heavenly Father we reveal that mold.
