The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd
"I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine." John 10:14

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Our Support and Foundation

Sometimes, revelations takes more than a day to figure out. And so it was with this particular drop of awesomeness!

On Thursday, the ASL Sisters were able to do a scripture study with a member, and we studied Exodus, talking specifically about the Law of Moses (Super interesting, just FYI... I want to research that later.) Studying that made me curious, and so I decided to take a little break and read something different. Genesis is touch-finished, so I started reading Exodus.

Moses is awesome... Just sayin'. Here's a little something I learned :)

Think back to the moment when Moses finds the burning bush... When Moses finds the bush, he is intrigued. And that's when God calls out to him "out of the midst of the bush," saying, "Moses, Moses." And then, God says something that I thought was curious... "Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground."

... Why would God require Moses to take off his shoes?
I'm really like a little kid when it comes to the scriptures.... "WHY WHY WHY WHY?????" So... RESEARCH!!!!

I found something that talks about a lot of the symbolism in the scriptures... And I looked up the word "feet." Check it...

FEET: Mobility, Support, Foundation

I thought about these words, and about what they could mean. So, perhaps this may not be EXACTLY but, it's what I thought about... NOT EXACT DOCTRINE...

Mobility- Our feet lead us to where we want to go. Once we decide that path that we should take, we must take the necessary steps to get there. We are not placed on this earth to be stagnant. Christ asks us to follow him. To do that, taking that first STEP of faith is required.

Support- Keeps us upright, and moving forward. If we fall, we get right back up, and keep going. We have a goal in sight. We don't turn back. Having a strong support will keep us strong, and keep us going. Because of the Atonement, when we fall, we CAN get back again.

Foundation- If you don't have the right FOUNDATION, then the SUPPORT and the MOBILITY really doesn't matter. What should our foundation be anchored in? HELAMAN 5:12 (Back to the Book of Mormon and Bible, it ALWAYS supports!) "... It is the Rock or our Redeemer, who is CHRIST, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation." Christ is the sure foundation! Through his Atonement and through his grace and mercy, he gets us to where we want to go while here on earth...

Where's that?
The TEMPLE. (AKA Holy Ground)

As I thought about that, my mind kind of randomly (or maybe not so randomly) thought of a story in the New Testament. A moment that happened just hours before Christ performed the Atonement.
In John 13, Christ washed the feet of his disciples, an act that has so many symbolism (much to my happiness!) And something that stood out to me was something that Christ says to Peter in verse 10:

"... He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit..."

I footnote the word "clean".


So, why did Christ wash the feet of his disciples? My thoughts: It's interesting that it's the feet of his disciples that he washed. Looking at the symbolic meaning of feet, and the meaning for clean, I thought that the washing of the feet was a symbol. Christ is the only one that can cleanse us from our sins and mistakes. He is the only one who can pick us back up when we fall, and the one that we look forward to with a steadfast hope, and he is our foundation.


MOSES AND THE BUSH                                                  US AND THE TEMPLE
*Moses was in the presence of God,                                     *When we enter the temple, we enter with
which required him to be as clean as he                                   clean hands and pure hearts. It requires us to
possibly could. By taking off his shoes, it showed                     follow the Savior to the best of our abilities.
that he was willing to follow Go, and walk to path                   It requires us to allow his Atonement to work
that he would be asked to take.                                              in our lives, to keep us going forward and                                                                                                     cleaning us by removing our sins and                                                                                                             mistakes.

Just my little take on Exodus today :)
As we strive to follow Christ, we can come closer and closer to him.

1 comment:

  1. I'll just add that the washing of the feet is actually a temple ordinance that the apostles and the first presidency participate in. I really love your break down. :)
