The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd
"I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine." John 10:14

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Why MORMONS are weird

My companion is so great! She came up with this and I absolutely LOVE IT! And with her permission, I am sharing this with you. :) 

-We believe in God
-We believe in a God that LOVES his children (you are his child)
-We believe in a God that wants us to come back to him and live in Eternal Happiness with those we love
-We believe in Jesus Christ 
-We believe He came to earth so that He could redeem us from the fall of Adam and be able to live with God again.
-We believe in the Atonement of Jesus Christ, that is, that we CAN be forgiven of our sins and mistakes only through Him, our Savior, Jesus Christ 
-We believe that God will not leave us alone to figure out what this life is all about
-We believe the Bible
-We also believe that God talked to the other side of the world, so we believe the Book of Mormon
-We believe that God continues to guide his children, so we believe in a living Prophet
-We believe God wants us to be happy, so we believe the 10 commandments
-We believe God wants us to be healthy and strong, so we believe the Word of Wisdom
-We believe God wants us to live with him again someday, so we believe in Temples
-We believe that everyone should know the truth, so God called his youth to leave their families for 2 years to share the truth with everyone.
-We believe you should know the truth.
So why are 'Mormons' weird?
Because we have the truth and we LIVE it!

Quote by Sister Katelyn Nielson

1 comment:

  1. gorgeous!! I'll take being "a wierd Mormon" any day!!!
