The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd
"I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine." John 10:14

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Did you know...


*Enoch had a speech impediment and was a young man before he was called to serve and preach to a nation, which changed from being a wicked city to becoming the most righteous city in the world? (Moses 6)

*Moses was a normal Hebrew that was called to lead a nation, and become one of the most influential prophets in the world? (Exodus)

*Ester was a normal Jewish woman, who because of her courage and faithfulness, saved her people? (Ester 4-8)

*Alma the Senior, Alma the Younger, and the sons of Mosiah were once the vilest of sinners, before they became missionaries that changed an entire race of people? (Note: That group of people became one of the most righteous group of that time.) (Alma 17-19) 

* Joseph of Egypt started out as a teenager, who for almost 20 years, lived the hardest times of his life, before he became a ruler over all the land of Egypt? (Genesis) 

*Joseph Smith was a 14 year old boy, who merely had a question, before he became the Prophet of the Restoration? (Joseph Smith- History) 

* There was Saul before there was Paul.

*Even Nephi had hard days in the wilderness, before his family was led to the Promise Land, where he then became a ruler and teacher for all his people, which eventually were named after him (the Nephites). (1st and 2nd Nephi)

*Peter was a fisherman before he became an apostle of Christ, who walked with him and talked with him, as well as other apostles. (Matthew)

        The scriptures are filled with ORDINARY people doing EXTRAORDINARY things.  

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